Simple Traps Tutorial for UltraFractal - Page 1



This tutorial is intended to provide examples and explanations to aid the user in the creation of fractal art using the formula Simple Traps Enhanced. This is a general coloring formula with 94 trap functions and 9 variants for each function.  It assumes that the user is familiar with the Ultra Fractal program and has some understanding of fractal theory.

The Enhanced Trap formulas include ideas from Damien Jones, Mark Townsend, Toby Marshall and Michèle Dessureault. It was designed to provide multiple texture, coloring, and shape options for the user. The formula has an expert mode which hides the more advanced options from the beginning user. Some of the expert options will be discussed towards the end of the tutorial. Only the parameters which are visible when the expert mode box is unchecked are listed below.

The following parameters are in the General Parameters section:

The next set of parameters are in the Trap Parameters section.

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