Fractal Formula Tutorials


General Tutorials for selected UltraFractal formulas.
Slope Tutorial UltraFractal Slope Formulas
Slope formulas create a  3D-like appearance using a technique similar to ray tracing. This tutorial  includes standard slope formulas, attractor slope formulas and an introduction to two specialty slope formulas. The basics of the new Lighting formulas are also presented.
Enhance Traps Tutorial Enhanced Traps Formulas
This tutorial applies to the older Enhanced Traps formulas, and provide background information for Simple Traps, Polar Traps and Attractor Traps formulas.
Simple Traps Tutorial Simple Traps Formula
This is a general coloring formula with 9 trap types, 94 trap functions and 9 trap variants for each trap. In the expert mode there are an almost unlimited combination of options for modifying how a given trap functions and the image appears.
Polar Traps Tutorial Polar Traps Formula
This is a general coloring formula with 31 trap types and 9 trap variants for each trap. In the expert mode there are an almost unlimited combination of options for modifying how a given trap functions and the image appears.
Attractor Traps Tutorial Attractor Traps Formula
This is a general coloring formula that uses strange attractors as the trap functions. There are over 200 trap functions available and 9 trap variants for each. In the expert mode there are an almost unlimited combination of options for modifying how a given trap functions and the image appears.
Height Field Tutorial Mesh Raytracing Formula
This is an UltraFractal 5 formula and will not work with earlier versions of Ultrafractal. 
Raytrace Tutorial 3D Fractal Raytracing Formula
This is an UltraFractal 5 formula and will not work with earlier versions of Ultrafractal. 
        5 Challenges and Tutorials UltraFractal 5 Challenges and Tutorials
UltraFractal 5 is a major departure from earlier versions. These challenges and tutorials are designed to aid the Ultrafractal user in learning the new interface and concepts for using plugins and objects.
        5 One Layer Challenge UltraFractal 5 One Layer Challenge
The One Layer Challenge is intended to help the UltraFractal user learn the the new interface and concepts for using plugins and objects. All images were generated by UltraFractal users, use UltraFractal 5 plugins and objects, and are comprised of only one layer.